Chocolate Cruller a/k/a World’s Fair a/k/a Tractor Wheel

In preparation for the Presidential Debate, I decided I needed comfort food. And what says – dare I say shouts and interrupts someone – comfort like a chocolate doughnut?


The Very Helpful Gibson’s person (I might as well just say “Gibson’s person” because all of them are helpful, friendly, and amazingly efficient) explained this doughnut has many names, including World’s Fair and / or Tractor Wheel. I can see the reason for the name “Tractor Wheel”, but World’s Fair? I googled and wikipedia-ed, but came up dry. If any of you know the reason for that name, please let me know in the comments. I’m serious. I want to know doughnut history.

I bought this doughnut on Sunday afternoon. I ate it towards the end of the Presidential Debate on Monday night. For those of you who have blocked the Debate, here’s a short summary:

I think that disaster was the reason this doughnut did not bring the joy that Gibson’s doughnuts normally do. But it was chocolate; it was Gibson’s; it was as good as your gonna get for a day-and-a half-old doughnut while watching two people shout and roll their eyes at each other.

But I will put this on the “try again” list and eat it closer to the point of purchase.

Tastee score: 8.

Doughnut news: Gibson’s tip jar is / was labeled “College Fund.” Throw in a little extra change next time you visit. Any one of the helpful, knowledgeable, efficient servers would make a great leader in business, government (ahem!), medicine or education one day.


  1. So sad that the debates took the joy out of yr Tractor Wheel. (Also looks like a Chocolate Flower?) For the next debate, perhaps we should all have some Pepto Bismol on hand. 😉


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